The Texas SPEAR Network was created to establish a network of hams who are interested in emergency preparedness. Our motto is “Hams Helping Hams”. We know there are several nets taking place on various frequencies throughout the week, and we are in no way attempting to cancel any other nets out. We are solely interested with getting Hams primarily in the South East region on board with assisting each other since we are all much closer to the cost than others. With that said, we encourage participation from all Hams no matter in what region they may be. If disaster hits, it affects everyone near and far. Just so it’s known, we are not affiliated with RACES or ARES-(which both groups do a fantastic job in their own way). We at Texas SPEAR Network are on mission with a passion for Ham radio emergency preparedness, which has the potential of benefiting all of us involved if disaster strikes. We are not experts and do not protest to be experts. We are not offering advice. This is a discussion based simplex network that allow all individuals participating in the weekly net, to think about their own holistic individual survival plan. We are attempting to create a real-world communication plan for Hams in this Network. Also being able to create an effective method to relay weak signal-(ie: ht, qrp, etc.) stations to net control and Assistant Net Coordinators. As we may already know, since the pandemic has taken place, we now have a numerous amount of new hams who are a bit “mic shy” to get on the air. With the Texas SPEAR Network, we encourage all hams to participation both new and old. This falls right within the lines of our motto “Hams Helping Hams” but most importantly if disaster strikes no Hams are left behind in regards to communication. We meet each Saturday at 8pm CST on 146.420MHZ, with several guest speakers passing through covering various topics in regards to emergency preparedness. If you are interested with thinking about your own holistic individual survival plan in regards to emergency preparedness, we highly encourage to tune in, check-in and participate.
Further TX Spear information is found at their TX Spear Facebook page.