GHSN Net Scripts

PROPAGATION NET SCRIPT – For use with the GHSN Propagation Application

The following script and instructions are recommended when operating a Propagation Net using the GHSN Application. The goal is to assess the capability of participants to hear transmissions from others and the capability of others to hear them. This exercise is performed in conjunction with a specially developed computer application which is available by accessing Net control call instructions are indicated via this computer based application to ensure a clear frequency for testing. 

Net control will activate a signal through the app when s/he is speaking and will signal when the next speaker has their turn. Each speaker is asked to give approximately 15 seconds of normal transmission when their turn is indicated, and other participants are asked to mark the ARRL Readability on the computer app.

In accordance with normal radio procedures, Net Control should give the following Preamble and Net Closing. He should signal through the application during this and other times he finds it necessary to transmit. 


“This is [CALL SIGN], my name is [NAME], and I will be the Net Control Operator for tonight’s Greater Houston Simplex Net.  We will begin the net is [X] minutes.  We will be conducting a propagation study of participants and clear frequency will be appreciated.”

Net Closing

“Net control thanks all stations for checking in to the Greater Houston Simplex Net.  We hold our regular Propagation Net the 4th Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm central time on a frequency of 146.54 FM Simplex, with an alternate frequency of 147.54 FM Simplex. We invite all licensed hams to join us.  This is [NAME], [CALL SIGN], returning this frequency to normal amateur use.”


The following script is recommended when an area check-in is required, such as during a regular net or a drill. The goal is  to gather all possible check-ins, regardless of operator equipment capabilities. In the event of an emergency, this same procedure is repeated to help emergency other local resources to be aware of individuals needing assistance.


“This is [CALL SIGN], my name is [NAME], and I will be the Net Control Operator for tonight’s Greater Houston Simplex Drill.  We will begin the net is [X] minutes.  A clear frequency will be appreciated at that time.”

Net Call

“QST, QST, QST.  Calling the Greater Houston Simplex Drill. This is [CALL SIGN], my name is [NAME], and I will be the Net Control Operator for tonight’s Greater Houston Simplex Drill.  I will be calling for check-ins by area.  As I call your area, please answer with you callsign only. Give your callsign slowly and phonetically one at a time, watching for doubles.  Please indicate if you have welfare traffic to transmit. It is requested that stations turn their squelch down or off so they can assist in relaying difficult stations. I will acknowledge each check-in and call for the next one. I may ask for Relay to ensure we pick up all the check-ins we can. When I hear no more check-ins from an area, I will move to the next area for check-ins or request check-ins in similar manner. It is requested that all stations listen for stations we may not be able to hear, and be prepared to serve as a Relay to assist with check-ins. I will call each area twice to try to ensure a full check-in

Call the following areas for check-ins and ask for relays from each area.

  1. CENTRAL: Stations located inside the 610 Loop.
  2. NORTH-NORTHWEST: Stations located between the Hwy. 290 and the I-45 North.
  3. NORTHWEST:  Stations located between I-10 West and Hwy. 290.
  4. SOUTHWEST: Stations located between Hwy. 59 South and I-10 West.
  5. SOUTH-SOUTHWEST: Stations located between Hwy. 59 South and Hwy. 288 South.
  6. SOUTH-SOUTHEAST: Stations located between Hwy. 288 and I-45 South.
  7. SOUTHEAST: Stations located between I-45 South and I-10 East
  8. NORTHEAST: Stations located between I-10 East and Hwy. 59 North
  9. NORTH-NORTHEAST: Stations located between I-45 North and 59 N 

Net Closing

“Net control thanks all stations for checking in to the Greater Houston Simplex Drill.  We invite all licensed hams to join us and appreciate everyone for being with us today.  Please check out our website and subscribe for direct and secure MailChimp notices of our efforts. This is [NAME], [CALL SIGN], returning this frequency to normal amateur use.”